Wayne State University WSSLHA


WSSLHA Advisor
Dr. Li Hsieh

Dr. Hsieh is interested in investigating the neural networks that subserve language, memory, and other cognitive subsystems in both normal and disordered populations. She is especially interested in the cognitive and neural networks of speech and prosody processing, as well as their applications in different contexts (i.e., linguistic vs. emotional prosody, Chinese tonal and musical processing, multi-tasking situations, and online processing). By using modern brain-imaging techniques, such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and behavioral measurements, she is able to look at individuals' behavioral performance and brain activations in vivo. The subject populations under study mainly involve normal adults, but future studies are likely to include both adults and children with speech and language disorders. Finally, Dr. Hsieh would like to employ comparisons among speakers of tonal and non-tonal language (such as Chinese and English) in order to investigate the universal and language-specific mechanisms regarding their linguistic experiences.
Dr. Hsieh's current research projects involve functional localization and network of speech and music perception, speech-language production, (e.g., spelling processes, speech distraction in driving performance), as well as the corresponding cognitive and working memory processes for both normal and disordered populations.
BA in English Literature, Soochow University, Taiwan
MA in Linguistics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
MA in Speech-Language Pathology, Northwestern University, USA
PhD in Speech-Language Pathology, Purdue University, USA
PostDoctoral Fellowship in Department of Cognitive Science, John Hopkins University, USA
Member, American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
Member, Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Member, Human Brain Mapping Organization